RIP Bill van Zwet

The photograph above was taken by me at my summerhouse (i.e., an allotment garden with a comfortable large shed) in Leiden, exactly 9 years ago, with Jerry Friedman, Jacqueline Meulman, and Willem. It is early evening and we are enjoying a choice single malt and some tasty snacks. Jacqueline is wearing a t-shirt with the logo designed by me of our new master programme “Statistical Science for the Life and Behavioural Sciences”.

Below I am, for the time being, just posting a large collection of photographs sent in by a number of Bill’s old friends. I will also later add some of the comments they made in their emails. I will perhaps also add some personal remarks in the near future.

Before the many photo albums contributed by Bill’s friends, here is a link to a Zoom commemoration hosted by myself, which started one hour after the start of Willem’s funeral. Participants: Maryse Loranger, Richard Gill, Estate Khmaladze; Friedrich Götze and his wife, Marie-Colette van Lieshout, Nick Fisher; Peter Grunwald, and Ildar Ibragimov (who later managed to switch on his webcam); later arrivals were Ronald Cramer and Steffen Lauritzen:

The file is 207 MB mp4; duration 35 minutes; 5 minutes silence at ca. 25 – 30 min., when Zoom briefly fails us. You can also watch it on YouTube:

And now to the photographs. First of all, three sets of pictures taken by Chris Klaassen, starting with Willem’s 75th birthday celebrations:

Chris Klaassen, Willems 80th birthday celebration, Leiden:

Chris Klaassen, Willem’s 80th birthday event in Utrecht:

David Mason:

Friedrich Götze:

Jacqueline Meulman and Maarten Kampert:

Marie Huskova:

Marta Fiocco:

Nick Fisher:

Niels Keiding:

© Niels Keiding

Peter Bickel:

Richard Gill:

Rudi Beran:

Sara van de Geer:

Stephen Stigler:

Vera Wellner:
